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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We LOVE Clayton's primary teacher..Sister Holien..he loves being in class, remembers things from the lessons, she brings treats, she is awesome...so we loved the headband Clayton wore home on Sunday - it is red with "I can tell the truth" written across it, but he won't take it off!!!! He wore it the rest of Sunday - understandable - he woke up and wore it Monday when we went to Mesa with Lisette to breakfast, we got him to take it off to go inside the restaurant but it was back on when we got out...he wore it the WHOLE day and then he came downstairs with it on when he got in his PJ's...he wore it Tuesday and I hid it last night so he can't wear it again...is that mean??!!! So as a side note - I think this is funny but Stevan not so much...Clayton and I watch Glee together - he loves the episode where Kurt is wearing a headband and leotard singing Beyonce's "all the single ladies" Well last night he came down wth his PJ shirt tucked into his pj bottoms - funny in its own right...with the headband on, singing "all the single ladies"!!! Ha Ha - one of the reasons I hid the headband..a little to close for me :) Still - a good laugh!!