Oh what a fun time - the Young Men in the ward decided to have a Mud Bowl for their combined activity with the Young Women and decided to invite the whole ward to join in. Well, since Stevan is in the Young Men's program..of course I had to represent. We heard the rumor that the girls weren't really interested in getting muddy so Liisa Lopez and I tried without success to recruit. She had to represent because her husband Eddie is the 1st Counselor with Stevan as the advisor for the boys. Well let me tell you - what a turn out - we even had some girls get in and get muddy. It was Stevan and the Utah Utes against Tor and BYU - unfortunately BYU won....even with Bishop on our side........boy we are sucking up with football this year.... but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves - even if Liisa and I were the only women out there with the boys and young women. I have to tell you, I was fine jumping around in the mid-calf high water and mud until Ryleigh Ingram came to show me a frog she had found in the water - I cringed as she then screamed because the frog jumped out of her hand - I swear each time I felt something squishy after that I hoped it wasn't the frog. I forgot to bring towels - of course - so we brushed off what we could with the blanket we keep in the back of the car - we ate ice-cream and then stopped to get Mason from Football practice. He was not a happy camper when he saw that Ashlen and Tristen were allowed to participate...at first it was only 12 and older...but who could stop the little ones. Clayton surprised us - he stayed clear of the mud and only crossed over the little bridge to get his ice-cream. Can't wait for next years Mud Bowl !!! Good idea Eddie.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Desert Hills Mud Bowl
Posted by AZ Powells at 9:03 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Time to vent
Can I just say it is very hard to watch little kids play football. I guess I could say it is sometimes hard to watch anyone play football - especially when they are losing...but especially when you are invested in the game and you see all the moves that should be played that are not being played. I think I have waited for Football season forever this time around...that may be the problem there...but it finally is here and I am over it. It is hard to sit and watch Mason's team practice and then sit and watch them lose. I know I'm being harsh - it has only been 2 weeks .... and lets face it I am a grown woman - things like this shouldn't get to me...but they do. Stevan had a chat with Mason - we neeed to see more effort on his part - that we can control..the rest of the team not so much. At least if I see more effort from Mason I may get back into the game a little more. So he has been told that the blocking needs to be better and that he needs to start rushing the QB - he's gotta quit sitting back and letting the other guys do it. Poor kid - he is on both the offensive and defensive line - but he is there for a reason..Sadly he is one of the bigger guys on the team...that is not saying much...so he gets to be there in the thick of it. So here's hoping my season picks up - otherwise you will have to put up with me whining again!!!! Gee I guess soccer was a little better.....I was stressed when they put him as goalie. Sorry - hope I didn't bore you :)
Posted by AZ Powells at 5:34 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday we were running from thing to thing all day. The kids had a Primary Activity in the morning. I went and worked with my parents this morning, so Stevan dropped the kids off at the church for their activity and then had to run out and find some tailbone pads for Mason - no small feat out here in the middle of nowhere. Luckily I got done early and made it back home by 11am, jumped into my Pioneer costume and ran to the church to help out. The kids had an awesome time and got to make homemade butter and eat homemade bread. The activity was a success. Next we had to get Mason to the field by 12:30 for warm-ups...I think the boys left the house at 12:30 (my fault) and the girls followed with Lisette at 1:00 so the girls could be at the field to warm-up and get their hair done (it is all about the hair people). So Lisette and I dropped off everyone and then snuck off to Walmart to get goodies and drinks. Well the boys ended up losing their first game. It was a sad day for the Powell's....Mason and the Bruins let us down at the same time...but enough of that. The day was nice - Stevan set up the shade and there was a breeze....the girls were cheering with their team - although Miss T was her usual self - she was going to cheer when she was ready...so she was often behind as it took time to get those stinking pom poms arranged :) They also decided that they needed to take a break after every couple of cheers - I got pics though. Clayton spent time at the playground behind us, while Stevan wandered up and down the sidelines yelling and checking the score on his blackberry. I was volunteerd to take video of some of the game - I hope they take dramamine before watching the video, and then Lisette and I sat back, sipping our 32 oz sodas with our feet up on the ice-chest. Mason did ok - we just need to work on sticking with your guy - he plays both offense and defense and sometimes center. The program was pretty funny though...Mason is listed 1st as he is 00 this year so it lists him at 5ft and 123 lbs.....I guess they say he is that much with his pads on - I was a little disturbed at first but he told me he only weighs 107.... After all the fun of the day we ran home, cleaned up for card night - we had some friends come over and we played cards and ate snacks until late......It was a busy day but full of fun....can't wait to do it again.
Posted by AZ Powells at 10:27 AM 3 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Bruins break our hearts
ok - So everyone knows what big Bruin fans we are and I think we may have heard from all of you...passing along your condolences or in the case of Debby, calling and rubbing it in. Well we too were saddened by the BYU / UCLA game, but our spirits are not broken - be are true blue and will continue to cheer - until next week - we gotta beat the Wildcats.
Posted by AZ Powells at 5:39 PM 1 comments
Yeah Tristen
Well guess who got Student of the Week?? Way to go Tristen - she came home very happy on Friday and proud to show me her certificate. She then asked why I wasn't there........well they didn't tell me...duh!!!! BUT - we are very excited for her - she is loving Kindergarden and her teacher Ms. Fryhover is doing an awesome job.
Posted by AZ Powells at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Opening Day
Well what a day Opening Day this was!!! We had to have the girls to the field by 9am and Mason needed to be there at 10:30am. Since Mason has had some trouble with his shoulder and has been icing and heating it - we left him behind and started out early (we had to stop and get the girls shoes to match their uniforms!) Aunty Lyse agreed to bring Mason to the field at 10:30. Well - it started out hot and got even hotter! We set up our awning and chairs and ice chest and just hung out - watching the other age groups - first the Mighty Mites and then the Jr Pee Wee and then Mason's group the Pee Wees. Of course everything was running late - Mason didn't actually get on the field until 12:30 or so....a long day. The girls cheered and Mason got his game on. We sat and chatted with the Terrelle's and then the Jorgenson's - we saw the Clows too - and I was especially proud of Lisette, who despite the fact that she isn't a sports fiend like us Powells, braved the heat and hung out until after Mason's 2nd scrimmage before leaving...What a trooper...she earned her aunty stars today!!!! Can't wait for regular season to start - GO RAMS!! Coach Candy doing hair!!!
RAMS Spirit Squad
Some more of the squad
Our Cheerleaders
Is that the waterboy???? nope - not our Mason!!
AAhhhh - so what play are we doing?
Get in there boy!!!
Posted by AZ Powells at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
ASHLEN is 8!!!
We went to California for Ashlen's baptism and Zachary's blessing this past weekend and had a wonderful time. We left AZ Friday afternoon and arrived late Friday night, played cards and then slept the night away. We got up bright and early August 30th - her birthday - and started our errands. Her baptism was a 3pm and we still needed to get her programs printed, pick up her birthday cake, find her earrings and a necklace, and get some paper and pens for people to write her special notes. Luckily for us, Grandma Anne had ordered the cake, and Debby had bought all the paper goods and stuff for punch. The Baptism was wonderful - Ashlen had all her Powell cousins there along with other friends and family to help her celebrate. Robbie (Bishop Farrer) conducted the meeting and Danica spoke on Baptism (she did a great job) and then Ashlen was baptized by Stevan. Ashlen, Hannah and Tristen then sang a song before Uncle Devin spoke on The Gift of the Holy Ghost ( a great job also) and then Stevan confirmed her with all her uncles participating. It was a wonderful time for all. After the baptism we went back to the Farrers for birthday cake. When the crowd left the Farrers - we all took off for the traditional birthday dinner with the Farrers - Ashlen chose La Capilla - and it was good. Aunt Jaci, Grandma Judi and the Merrills came with us. We went home and settled in for another night of cards. On Sunday we went to the blessing of cousin Zachary and had an awesome time at the Knechts after playing with cousins. On Monday we had a Labor Day party at the Farrers, just like old times, and we enjoyed good food and swimming. We ended up staying late - UCLA was playing their opening game against Tennessee, and we couldn't miss it. Of course we were not disappointed!!! GO BRUINS. It was the perfect end to the perfect weekend. We are so proud of Ashlen making this first step towards returning to her Heavenly Father. She looked amazing in her dress and I know she felt the spirit that day.
Posted by AZ Powells at 1:20 PM 2 comments