Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wedding Nails
Posted by AZ Powells at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Hair wars....
So I am not sure if other couples struggle with this...but I HATE to shave my legs and have managed to get away with shaving once a week....I should be grateful that Stevan has not really made a fuss, but he does complain that he is tired of sleeping next to sandpaper legs....So then I started making loud comments about how much I LOVE long hair on guys...we struck up a deal and he has not shaved his head in about a month or part of the deal is that I have to shave my legs 3 times a week....aaarrrggggg.....I can tell its killing him - his hair is getting long (well long for him) and it is growing out all salt & pepper (which I like)....I guess its a small price to pay??
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Hall of Flame field trip
This week I chaperoned a field trip to the Firefighters Hall of Flame with Tristen's 2nd grade class. I wasn't sure what to expect - except for the headache I got sitting on the bus with 60 2nd graders for 1 hour into Phoenix...but I am happy to report I was pleasantly suprised. The museum actually had quite a few early handpumps and steam pumps and then an area with at least 15-20 fire engines ranging from the early 1900's through present. There was an area dedicated to 9-11 with a piece of the Twin Towers, along with names of fallen emergency responders. The kids all had a great time and I'll have to admit I did too. I had a group of 4 kids including Tristen and they were great kids - we had a fun time :)
Taylor, Sami, Tristen and Sophie
Me & Tristen
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Nearer my God to Thee.......
Posted by AZ Powells at 1:56 PM 1 comments
San Tan Mountain Hike
We went hiking the other day with the Arbons. San Tan Mountains is only about 10 minutes from here and I thought it would be a good thing to get out. Well we did okay...there was complaining and whining and the moviestar was irritated cause her shoes were rubbing on the back of her heal. Clayton was tired and it was too far.....and on and on and on. So we hiked in about 30 minutes on the trail, then hiked out. I promised the kids a treat at QT so we stopped for that on our way home....then the supermodel piped up "Can we do this tomorrow? I really enjoyed the hike!" What?!?!?! I think not my friends :)
Posted by AZ Powells at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Soccer Season
It is that time of the year again..Soccer has started and we are happy to say that we have 2 players this year. Clayton and Tristen are both involved, although I didn't think too much about the fact that I'd be running between 2 fields the whole time trying to watch both games. Sadly Stevan has yet to see Clayton play cause he's busy coaching Tristen's team - the Bruins!!! Claytonis on Sister Yosts Rams team and he is a real go-getter. Not to brag or anything...but he scored 2 goals his first game :) Tristen scored 1 at her first game too. Clayton is a little too confident - apparently after scoring he was pretend shooting at the other team chanting "You guys are losers" - whose kid is this anyways!!!???? And Tristen wasn't sure they even won their last game cause the other team scored...not something they are used too...Stevan put her straight though...they did win :) Clayton was upset at the last game though cause he didn't get to he told one of the kids on the other team his shirt looked stupid and then wouldn't shake hands or cheer at the end of the game. He had a little chat with Stevan about good sportmanship I think he will do a lot better this week or he will be in trouble :)
Posted by AZ Powells at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Posted by AZ Powells at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Finally some rain!
In Arizona we have Monsoons. There is nothing better than seeing clouds roll in, hearing the thunder and seeing lightning. It is super hot and then it cools right down! A wonderful thing :) Anyways we've been teased something terrible out here in the good ole San Tan Valley...we see clouds just wanting to drop moisture pass over us, and then drop everything in Mesa :( So we were super excited when the heavens opened and dropped on us for 6 hours straight!! The roads flooded, the catch basins were full, the kids were out running around catching frogs - it was great :) We are so sad monsoon season is over....we didn't get much this year....
Posted by AZ Powells at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 20, 2010
School is in
I realize that this post is waaayyy late - but hey - I have been busy!!! School started and we were off with a bang. The kids were excited but then again not really....They are, as you can see from the photos, too cool for school. Mason is our incoming Freshman and has taken to high school like a fish to water. He is keeping a rigorous schedule of early morning seminary, school and then football practice after school...he is out the door at 5:45am and then has been getting home around 7pm. He has admitted that high school is pretty hard - duh?!? and that he has way more homework than he did in jnr high :) I told him he's gotta pull up his panties and be a big boy now :) Ashlen is in 5th grade and loving it. Her good friend Annie is in her class with her and she loves that..not to mention the fact that she has joined the drama club and is part of the school council :) She is really enjoying 5th grade :) Tristen is in 2nd grade and loves her teacher Mrs. Conte. She is a little bored with her class...but she is being tested for the gifted program - hopefully that will give her more to do so we don't have to hear her complain. She has also taken on a new love of reading - she finished her first "real chapter" opposed to those fake ones she's been reading...and looks forward to jumping into way more exciting stuff...she is a master speller and I am proud to say she has beautiful penmanship - much like my own....yay - no more chicken scratch to offense Mason :)
Posted by AZ Powells at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Another Oweeeeee
Just kidding.....Although that sounded pretty good right?!? So the scouts were at the watering hole and Brother Brown was at the top of a waterfall with his pvc watergun thingy and dropped it to Keith who was below who didn't quite get his hands on it...and it slipped and hit Mason.....nice.....apparently it was a gusher...Potterf held Mason's head under water to try stop it from bleeding ( or to finish him off ) and that didn't work too well...but holding it on the 2 hour drive home got it stopped.....Mason yawned and split it open again so we put a butterefly strip on it and I think he's as good as new.......scars are cool you know!!!!!
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:54 PM 0 comments
End of Summer Par-tay
Savannah Whittaker and Ashlen decided a couple weeks ago that they wanted to host an end of summer party so Friday night was the night. They both worked hard making keychains and then sold them to earn money, made invitations, went shopping for party supplies and cleaned the house to get everything ready:) In ordere to have just an evening with girls....Clayton went to Uncle Devin's house for his "party" and Tristen went to the Whittakers to spend time with Chase. Mason had a scout overnighter so all the planets aligned :) 9 girls came - Kenzi, Ryleigh, Morgan, Lindsay L, Lindsay D, Anna, Annie, Sarah and Xandri......Kiran and I were up for the challenge :) All the girls mete at our house and we took them over to the Indigo Sky pool where we ate pizza and swam for an hour or so..then we came back to the house and frosted cupcakes and played some fun get to know you games (as if they didn't know each other!!) We heard about Justin Beiber, what their favorite subjects were, what their avorite colors were and other juicy tidbits...and then they settled in to watch "The Spy Next Door" Kiran and I took that time to go outside and hang out on our trampoline and talk :) I think they had a great time - there was a lot of giggling and posing and shouting...their parents stopped off and picked up the girls around 9:30ish - I think the part was a success :)
Hostess Ashlen
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:20 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
a funk
So I've been in a funk...i've had pity parties and have actually had a hard year so far ( which is in part to my crappy attitude)...2010 is not really what I wanted it to be. Stevan is always so positive...I really need him around more because he is able to pull me out of it, but its been hard because he has been working a lot (which is a good thing) and I miss him tons when he isn't around. I am grateful for so many things....I know that I am blessed and have been quick to forget......I know there are many who are in need..... and so I have decided to try to be more focused on things that family and friends, and not focus on things that I cannot change. I recently was called to be a teacher in Relief Society - yeah can you picture that - me a teacher - so I taught my first lesson and I think it went ok...and I am pretty sure I have this calling to help me focus more on what I lack - those things that I can improve this is my be happy with what I have, to love those around me more than I do, to be more positive, to take time to do those things I KNOW I should be doing, to NOT let the little things bother me, and to be MORE charitable and giving to those around me....... I can do this - I am capable of these things and more...I have half the year gone but half to make better than the first half :)
Posted by AZ Powells at 3:46 PM 0 comments
getting back to business
so its been forever since I have blogged...and my brother who apparently reads my blog all the way in France reminded me last week that he keeps checking and there is nothing new.
I keep thinking that I need to get back to it...but it seems so overwhelming cause there are things that have happened and had I been in the right mind I would have blogged about..and I have photos..and so on and so on..but trying to catch up would be too overewhelming so I figured I'd just start from today..there you have it...I am starting fresh....I did decide to note some of the worthwhile mentions though and then that will be that...I have pics posted on facebook for those who care to look :)
So here we go.....Rachael and Jens had my cutie newphew Dylan, Mason graduated 8th grade, I turned 37 (yikes), the kids got out for SUMMER, Lisette and Devin had my other cutie nephew Zander Reed Merrill 4 weeks early, Stevan and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary and our 9th year beng sealed together, we took a 24 hour trip to CA for PaPa' 90th birthday party, Mason went to Leadership training camp, we went to CA for a week and hung out with the Farrers and had a blast, went to Heather and Jethro's wedding and it was a blast, Mason went to Scout Camp, we've been hanging at the library with the Arbon's and Whittakers, been to the AJ pool which is WAY better than the waterpark and saves us $$$$, Mason went to Football camp in Snowflake, the kids went to Book of Mormon camp and loved every minute of it (thanks to Brother Johnson for teaching Tristen how to make boxes....we have a million of them around our house) we've been school shopping and enjoyed hanging at our pool......whew
Posted by AZ Powells at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 that Dancing with the Stars???
Posted by AZ Powells at 7:49 PM 0 comments
He's Baaaaack
Our sweet Clayton is back from his travels to CA. Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa, Clayton caught a ride and hung out with his cousins, and gandparents and Maw Maw & PaPa. All our kids were chomping at the bit, waiting patiently for the little one to return...then we quizzed the heck out of him, asking him what he did and how much fun he had. He enjoyed playing with his cousins - all of them - but especially the "crew" aka Kaydence, Connor & is sad that these 4 don't live close to each other..well the other 3 are, but Clayton misses them when he is here. According to him, they had the best time. He also got to see his newest cousin Chloe who is really cute and looks just like Connor. He enjoyed hanging with his older cousin Ethan and I am sure made him nuts :) Clayton visited Maw Maw & PaPa and got to go to the park and feed the ducks with them...always a treat. Maw Maw spoiled him as usual and made him a special lunch. He got to hang out with the Farrers and loved that he got to go in the car with Danica. He said she took him to 7-11 and got him slurpees. I asked him why his hair didn't get cut...he told me he told big T that he didn't want his hair cut so she listened to him, not me. Apparently Tristen loves him that much!!!! He loved hanging with her and Scotty - he said she took him to get donuts and chocolate milk, and that Scotty isn't cute anymore because Tristen cut his hair to look like a soccer ball?!? I need a pic of that. He said Debby made him cookies and did whatever he wanted !!!! Are we surprised???? NOPE. He loved going to the Father Son outing with Robbie - they didn't have to sleep in a tent - they got to sleep in the van on the bed and made smores that were really good - that was his favorite part. He also managed to get a present out of Lexie's boyfriend - an iron man wrist shooter thing...and then pulled out 2 baseball trophies from his suitcase and proudly showed them to us. He had a great time and was glad to be home...we were glad to have him home :) He already asked me today when he was going back to Cali.........
Posted by AZ Powells at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
Posted by AZ Powells at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Tristen cheers
Posted by AZ Powells at 4:01 PM 0 comments