What a great time we had as you can see......we ended the week going to the movies...Mason, tristen and Damien saw Alice in Wonderland, Ash and Z saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Clayton and I saw Percy Jackson and the Olympians...FUN...then we went to the CYP2 ward auction...Debby made sweet rolls and we did eat....we had a great time and got a few bargins...then we stayed up super late playing cards, crying over our March Madness Losses...oh well there is always next year...only this time next year we will be back in SoCal with Tristen's baptism...boy does time fly!!! We LOVE the Farrers and were sooo happy to spend this week with them.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Week 1 Sum Up
Posted by AZ Powells at 7:09 PM 3 comments
the Tide Pools
Damien and Z had a great idea....we went to the tide pools in Dana Point....the kids had a great time, although Clayton was quite apprehensive at first...he got over it :) Ash didn't make it across the sand without getting wet

Posted by AZ Powells at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Debby had an awesome surprise for us all..she let me in on the secret a few days before because I am sure she couldn't contain the excitement....we already knew that RJ was heading home to spend the weekend but we didn't know that Damien, Z and BRC (Blake Robert Cavanaugh) were coming with him. We kept it a secret and the look on the kids face was priceless. I am glad RJ walked in first without the entourage...the girls ran up squealing and hugging him and then caught a glimpse of the Cavanaughs outside...RJ was tossed aside and more squealing ensued as they realized that the baby as here to visit. They had so much fun holding BRC and kissing him and jumping all over everyone. Clayton was however, disappointed to see Damien wearing his DUKE shirt...we are UNC fans in THIS family....we LOVED all the time we got to spend with everyone.

Posted by AZ Powells at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Clayton holding the ring...not sure why....

It WAS hot enough to swim if you ask the kids...if you ask me...not so much :( Debby and I laid out after we went to the session and sadly we lasted a mere 30 minutes...thata was BOTH sides...but it did not stop the kids from jumping in and having a great time. I did manage lasting a little longer the next day...I pulled my chair over to the grass area and read for about an hour and a half :) It never fails though...the kids cannot come to Debbys and NOT swim.....maybe they would have lasted at the river!!
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Aunt Jaci's Visit

little T, Aunt Jaci and Clayton
Mason, Jocilyn and Jaina......I told them to show me their cookies....Mason and Jo had already eaten them
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Lunch with Maw Maw & Pa Pa
The kids got to spend a ton of time with their Maw Maw & PaPa (Stevans grandparents). They had such a great time....we had lunch together on Sunday and Maw Maw made chicken, potatoes and carrots...Mason called ahead to make sure Maw Maw had his menu for the visits. The kids got to eat outside in the backyard and enjoyed the sun. They also got to spend Tuesday with them so I could go to the temple with Debby - they went to the park and fed the ducks...Mason and PaPa went on their bike ride and they really enjoyed themselves. Then, they spent the night on Wednesday and got to sleep in the camper..they had a blast and were spoiled rotten...thats what GREAT Grandparents are for right?!? I am glad they got to spend so much time with them...they miss out with us living in Arizona so they made up for lost time.
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:22 PM 0 comments
We headed to CA for Spring Break this year....this time last year the weather was hot and we were already headed to the River...which the kids did remind me about..but this year...not so much sun. We had a great time and the kids got to spend lots of time with their Maw Maw & PaPa, the afternoon with their cousins, and lots of time with the Farrers. Sadly we came home after a week of fun :( but the fun is continuing...the kids are currently in Concho enjoying the farm with Grandma Judi and Grandpa Al...annoying the heck out of the dogs and chickens. photos to follow :)
Posted by AZ Powells at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Dance Team
Ashlen had a parade she danced at on Saturday - the Chandler Ostrich Festival - the parade was nice - just Tristen and I went and had a great time. The girls did a great job and the parade route was waaayyyy long - we saw tons of fun stuff...minus bands..whatever happened to the high school marching bands - those are ALWAYS fun...but they didn't have any...wierd...but it was fun.
Posted by AZ Powells at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Mason's High School Registration
It had to happen sooner or later...I was just hoping later...We went to Mason's high school orientation meeting last week :( He filled out his paperwork and has turned it in...Poston Butte Freshman - go Broncos!! The high school is HUGE!! I was amazed when we got there...I've been outside and in the stadium for the football games, just never realized how big the inside was. We had the meeting in the gym...3 basketball courts in that gym, plus another practice gym - so excited. We LOVE sports and love that we will be immersed with Mason being at the school....Mason is taking English, Math, World History, Science, Spanish and Football/Baseball.
Posted by AZ Powells at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Spirit Week at Walker Butte
Last week was spirit week at Walker Butte...the kids weren't too spirited but they did dress up a couple of the days..Monday was "dress up in what you want to be when you grow up" day...so little T dressed up as a hairdresser and Ash dressed up in her dance clothes. Tuesday was "crazy hat" day...then they dressed up for "pajama" day and then Friday each grade had a different color they needed to wear. Clayton got in on the fun and even tried to wear his pj's all day even when we had to go out in public :(
Clayton's crazy hat - both Ashlen and Mason wore hats just like these...Tristen didn't want to.
Little T - you can't see her apron with clippies and a comb and hairspray that she had...she also insisted I do pretty har for her so here is what I did.....
Ashlen's dance costume.
Posted by AZ Powells at 12:32 PM 1 comments