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Monday, March 22, 2010

the Tide Pools

Damien and Z had a great idea....we went to the tide pools in Dana Point....the kids had a great time, although Clayton was quite apprehensive at first...he got over it :)

Ash didn't make it across the sand without getting wet

Mason and Ash had to run across and jump up on the rocks when there was a break from the waves coming around.....he made it..she got caught on the way back

BRC didn't like the cold :(

Ash taking a break

Clayton was showing me that he knew how to surf........

Sea anename...Big T kept sticking her fingers in to show the kids what would happen...I think Ash was brave and did the same but little T wouldn't go near it

we were looking for dolphins and watching the surfers

Mason and Damien...or should I say tweedle dum and tweedle dee.....

Danica, Big T and Ash

Danica and Ash