Debby had an awesome surprise for us all..she let me in on the secret a few days before because I am sure she couldn't contain the excitement....we already knew that RJ was heading home to spend the weekend but we didn't know that Damien, Z and BRC (Blake Robert Cavanaugh) were coming with him. We kept it a secret and the look on the kids face was priceless. I am glad RJ walked in first without the entourage...the girls ran up squealing and hugging him and then caught a glimpse of the Cavanaughs outside...RJ was tossed aside and more squealing ensued as they realized that the baby as here to visit. They had so much fun holding BRC and kissing him and jumping all over everyone. Clayton was however, disappointed to see Damien wearing his DUKE shirt...we are UNC fans in THIS family....we LOVED all the time we got to spend with everyone.

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