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Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's a Catcher's World

So I took Ashlen to Softball yesterday and the coach assked for volunteers for the Catcher's position and Ashlen's hand shot straight up. I was apprehensive - Ashlen isn't really "sporty spice" and if you've seen her throw and catch she truly fits the "throws like a girl" steroetype. Well she got the gear on and I was blown away - she sucked at first but then really settled in to the task - keeping the ball in front of her - throwing to the pitcher and actually making it - standing on homepplate to tag out the runners coming in!!! Wow - that $5.00 we spent last week to send her to a softball clinic really paid off. Her throwing is 100% better and when she got up to hit she did!!! So...maybe her calling in life is catcher - maybe she can follow in the footsteps of her brother and actually find her sport.... She could be more than a Cheerleader :) I'll have to take some photos at the next practice so you can see her in action.