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Monday, February 22, 2010

Party time with the Merrills

This past Saturday we were busy..Stevan and I went to the temple with Spencer Gibson who was taking out his endowments and had asked Stevan to be his escort, Ashlen had a Dance Team performance at a Mesa resthome AND our kids are STILL grounded due to the fact that they have been unable to go 7 days in a row with a clean room...this has been the case since January :( So...we arranged for Lisette to drop off Ash at her dance teachers home at 2pm so she could catch a ride..the other kids were going to remain in their rooms all day like they have been since January, with Clayton hanging out with his favorite Uncle and Aunty (they spoil him waaayyy too much) and Stevan and I left a little before noon to meet Spencer and Christina at the temple. Well Lisette and Devin must have been on something...it was raining a little and they decided to take a bike ride. They came over to pick up Clayton just before we left, borrowed the Hunsakers bike with trailer and went on their adventure...dropping off dry-cleaning, getting ice-cream, going all the way to QT!!!! I guess that they lost tack of time - Ash freaked out at 1:45 cause Lyse wasn't around to take her, got Grandma & Grandpa to drop her off, meanwhile Lyse and Devin realized what time it was, Lyse pedaled her little heart out and butt off and booked it all they way back home, leaving Devin and Clayton to fend for themselves and make it home...to find that Ash had left and everything worked out. She got her workout and lesson 1 in raising kids...total chaos is normal!!! I am so glad we are here to help them :) Clayton is pretty much indestructable so they can't do much damage there...ooohhhh but what a wealth of information he is and he is always ready to share - he will be able to get them ready for Zander :)